Saturday, May 25, 2024

I JUST Can't...

 I JUST CAN’T…but somehow, day after day, I must, hoping that sanity will eventually triumph over insanity, wishing that truth will become louder than lies, wanting justice to survive against injustice, and hoping our democracy does not die a nasty death replaced by the worst and most insidious of outcomes that will result from a Fascist future plotted and planned by true enemies of the state. This IS NOT HYPERBOLE, this IS NOT EXAGGERATION, this IS NOT PARANOIA; this IS, sadly, the facts of our current lives we all have watched inching closer and closer into the fabric of our psyches, slowly but surely poisoning our future. WHEN will we fight back?

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an "Appeal to Heaven" flag at his New Jersey beach house. The flag's close association with both far-right Christian nationalists and the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 raises serious questions about Alito's ability to rule impartially. (RollingStone).

Be it Alito or Thomas, both men with a lifetime occupation to disrupt and convolute our Demonocracy not based on fact but based on their own biases. Both men have enough power to help reduce freedoms, restrict liberties, and ruin the day-to-day lives of most Americans. Both men caught receiving bribes disguised as gifts by very devious individuals whose hate for Democracy has been demonstrated by their demands to reshape this nation in their images and imaginations.


Louisiana descends into dystopia with historic law on abortion pills. The state wasn’t the best place to get pregnant in the first place, with some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the US.  (The Guardian) The stakes are high for doctors in Texas when it comes to abortion. With three overlapping laws, Texas bans nearly all abortions and has some of the strictest penalties for doctors in the country, including thousands of dollars in fines, the loss of a medical license and even life in prison. (npr)

Religious zealots disguised as Republican politicians are now playing Physicians, minus any medical education, but full of the chapters and verses of their selective Bibles as all the knowledge they need to control the freedoms and choices of women. Save the fetus, even if that fetus is not healthy enough to survive birth. Ignore the health of the mother because, after all, all she IS is the necessary carrier of the fetus. Pretend you are pro-life, even while pontificating about that, you are destroying more lives along the way than saving them.


Our Senate, now full of wanna-be kings and queens, has decayed from within as a majority of Republicans have prioritized the wants and wishes of Trump over the will of the people. Ted Cruz, one of the most condescending, arrogant, hypocritical GOP Senators, acting high and mighty, pretending that he is offended by the simple question of whether he will accept the results of the 2024 election, as not to answer the question, responding that such a question is not necessary. Cruz, always hiding behind his own cowardness and cockiness, playing his personal politics above and beyond the politics of his constituents, and acts shocked and insulted when all he has to do is say, of course, I will accept the results because this is America!