Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Be it Alito, or Thomas or Cannon…Be it Vance, or Tuberville, or Scott…Be it Greene, or Boebert, or Johnson…Be it FOX, or Newsmax, or OAN…Be it Oath Keepers,  Moms For Liberty, or, Proud Boys…WHAT IT IS, IS a sad sick insidious “right in our faces,” ATTACK on ALL of our freedoms, liberties, choices, and DEMOCRACY!

Trump has never been successful in building his own businesses, but DAMN, he somehow has found the blueprints for rebuilding America, IN HIS IMAGE.


I have and will fight back this flood of tyranny, authoritarianism, dictatorship, but each and every day, almost any hour within our 24 hour rotation of this planet, it seems more, and more, and MORE the flood of tyranny is turning into an unstoppable tsunami.


I fear the worst because what I have witnessed is that the WORST POLITICIANS in this world seemed to have joined together, placing their personal ambitions above the people. I have witnessed many people pretend that as long as, FOR NOW, they are not the target of Hate, Racism, Bigotry, Bias  Xenophobia, they can participate in the throng to deny and destroy democracy for others. None of these fools realize that once the Fascists run out of the first group of OTHERS, that the Fascists will need a new batch of scapegoats.


TRUMP seems to be getting away with every conceivable crime, every slimy, sleazy trick in the book, every disgusting inhuman action. HOW, WHY, and WHAT THE FUCK!