Saturday, June 1, 2024

This immediate universe

 Once upon MY TIME, I used to become distraught, disoriented, discombobulated, whenever I tried to consider how expansive the universe is, and if the universe does have a limit, what lies beyond that, and the doozy of my wonders was, what was here before the universe. Even as I write this, I feel that tiny knot in my stomach tightens, sending a message to my brain, HELP. My brain, finally, after 74 years of trying to figure this whole madness out, shoots back a text to my stomach telling it to shut the fuck up!

That was then, but as a person who tries very hard to understand the why’s and how’s of life, I have replaced the mysteries of the universe with some new and even more daunting questions, perhaps not as vast as the entire universe, but vastly important to MY EVERYDAY existence. 


HOW THE FUCK WILL OUR DEMOCRACY SURVIVE. I cannot understand why we still have life terms for the Supreme Court. I have no idea why the Electoral College remains relevant, and why could a person who did not receive the majority of votes in our so-called Democracy go on to become President. And then add to that, if that person becomes President, without the majority of American votes, why could or should, or would they be permitted to even have the right to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court. I perseverate over the idea that there are no term limits for politicians other than the President. I wonder why Jews, Women, the LGBT community, and People of Color would vote for anyone who has made it very clear in both their rhetoric and actions that they are Misogynistic, Homophobic, Racist, Anti-Sematic, Transphobic, and a Xenophobe? 


The worries about MY immediate UNIVERSE have now taken occupation of my gut, my brain, and almost my every waking moment. I waited until the TRUMP Trial was over, not really quite sure of the verdict. And now, NOT TO MY SURPRISE, the newest worry and wonder become HOW THE FUCK will this nation ever maintain any honest sense of law and order when a majority of one Political Party has decided that law and order only work when it is used against their opponents. HOW THE FUCK, will justice and liberty ever see the light of day while those in power continue to place their personal desires above and beyond the welfare of this nation and its citizens? We have has been from Megan Kelly, Sarah Palin, and Tucker Carlson to current US Senators and House Representatives, including the House Speaker, the second in line to the Presidency, declaring war, declaring violence, declaring that our Justice System is conspiratorial, is rigged, not based on the facts, but based on the idea that facts should never matter, when those facts clearly state the guilt of TRUMP.


I am afraid, I am frustrated,  I am fearful! How do I fight back when it seems to me that EVIL is so much more POWERFUL?