Saturday, June 22, 2024

The LOSER, the LOWER form of life

 The well-known LOSER, the LOWER form of life, has already begun to claim that the first Presidential Debate of 2024 is already RIGGED! (Now, for the sake of FACTS, let it be known that the Trump-hired Enemies of the State had signed off on the rules and regulations of this debate). 

This is a bit of Déjà vu, of course, stemming from the LOSE, and LOWER form of life’s previous sack of bull shit that somehow the 2020 election had been rigged. A coward, a creep, an insecure, inept idiot, who hides from reality, TRUMP has already predicated his future regarding this debate and has once again projected his own inadequacies by letting us know, he is nothing but a FAÇADE!


I cannot just sigh, roll my eyes, shout, “You fucker,” hoping that these gestures on my part will somehow show TRUMP my level of disgust because, sadly, too many other people in this nation will actually consider TRUMP telling us that the debate WAS rigged!


I would like the Media to fight back, act up and act out at these loony TRUMP lies, and each and every day, remind those out there who have not completely sold their souls to the Devil, that TRUMP is nothing more than a LOSER, and LOWER form of life!