Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 You want all my love and my devotion

You want my love and soul, right on the line

I have no doubt that I could love you, forever

The only trouble is, you really don't have the time


You've got one night only, one night only

That's all you have to spare

One night only

Let's not pretend to care

One night only, one night only

Come on, big baby, come on

One night only

We only have 'til dawn (‘One Night Only/Kreiger/Eyen)


I SHALL REPEAT MYSELF, ONE MORE TIME…because I am going absolutely crazy regarding the hysterics and hype being perpetrated by the Media Outlets regarding THE DEBATE OF OUR LIFE TIME/ THE DEBATE OF THE CENTURY! It is being compared to the Super Bowl, The Armageddon of Politics, The World Series, an unnamed Category 5 Hurricane, and a 15.0 Earthquake on the Richter Scale. Even my favorites on MNSBC, Maddow, and Wallace have somehow fallen prey to this false story, declaring that this Debate might be the make-it-or-break night.


IT IS AS IF ALL OF THIS HOOPLA and HYSTERIA assumes that the entire nation, will have forgotten the evil, the selfishness, the arrogance, the Fascist, the crimes, the Felonies, the Insurrection, the treason, the promised tyranny, the COVID Deaths, the poor economy, the love affair between TRUMP and every foreign Authoritarian, the good people on both sides, the Paper Towels thrown at Puerto Ricans, the defeat of Roe…as if ONE NIGHT ONLY, this time we will see one of the Gladiators as a victor, and the other defeated. THE GREAT DEBATE of 2024 will be a Side Show, a Sham, a whole bunch of sly tricks…and from this ONE NIGHT ONLY ,we are to FORGET all and everything evil committed by TRUMP!