Friday, June 14, 2024

Smothering in HYPOCRICY

 A divided Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal ban on bump stock devices that allow semiautomatic rifles to fire hundreds of bullets a minute, upending one of the few recent efforts by the federal government to address the nation’s epidemic of gun violence. (The Washington Post)

BUT the sanctity of life is this Republican Christian Nationalistic Fascist, priority, just as long as that particular life is identified as an egg and sperm, a zygote, and a fetus. No worries from this Republican Christian Nationalistic Fascist group of Justices, as long as they are being bribed by Donors who love the Gun Lobby and who overlook how people thrive once out of the womb. SOMEHOW, their God thrives when more and more dangerous weapons are used.


GOP Lawmaker Grilled On Why Abortion Was 'Best Choice' For His Girlfriend, But Not Others Colorado's Richard Holtorf, who has voted against abortion rights in office, said he once provided money to a girlfriend amid her own procedure.

A Colorado Republican had a hard time explaining why he said he “respected” his girlfriend’s right to abortion but voted against abortion rights as a state representative. (HUFFPOST)

ONE more Republican Christian Nationalistic Fascist, at the ready to have his God smite the wicked women who happen not to be his WOMAN. This con artist, following the same inane and insane Republican Gospel, seems to know that what is good for his gal ain’t so good for anyone else’s gal. Never do unto others as you will do for yourself!


Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, and other conservative senators are planning to block dozens of new Biden administration appointees from entering office next week in retaliation for "lawfare" being waged against former President Trump. (FOX )

LAWFARE, as in laws made to keep all citizens as equals, laws to remind the American citizen that no one who breaks the law should be above the law. Yet, with those TRUMP FASCIST REPUBLICANS, who insist they are the party of law and order, laws are created for the peasants, and not for their LORD AND SAVIOR, THEIR CHAIRMAN, THEIR FALSE IDOL.  So, be afraid gentle American beings, because Heir TRUMP is already demonstrating his ability to strangle our Justice Department, of course not by dirtying his orange hands, but by directing his spineless, feckless and self-serving minions to remove the blindfold from Lady Justice.


AND ALL OF THIS, EVERY SINGLE DISGUSTING ACT OF TREASON, is brought to us by the smothering and suffocating words REPUBLICAN HYPOCRICY!