Friday, June 28, 2024


 Debate is a process that involves formal discourse, discussion, and oral addresses on a particular topic or collection of topics, often with a moderator and an audience. In a debate, arguments are put forward for common opposing viewpoints. Debates have historically occurred in public meetings, academic institutions, debate halls, coffeehouses, competitions, and legislative assemblies.[1] Debates have also been conducted for educational and recreational purposes,[2] usually associated with educational establishments and debating societies.[3] These debates emphasized logical consistency, factual accuracy, and emotional appeal to an audience.[4][5] Modern forms of competitive debate also include rules for participants to discuss and decide upon the framework of the debates (how the debate will be judged). (Wikipedia) 

I did not watch this CNN Reality Show last night. (As an aside I, actually DEBATED with myself if I should, watch it, if I could watch it without tearing out my hair, and the result of my DEBATE was to cling on to my sanity for that evening rather than enter the Twilight Zone, fearing I might never find my way out!


This morning, I read a myriad accounting of reports regarding the CNN Debacle. I read the Right-Wing, the Left-Wing, the so called real Journalists, and what I gleaned was nothing more than the SAME-OLD-SAME-OLD.  There were lies, left unchallenged by the moderators, there were no rules and regulations regarding respect for truth, it was one gotcha after the other. AND TO BE HONEST, OR SHOULD I ADD TO BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES, WHO EXPECTED ANYTHING ELSE!


So now the SPIN, will be who won who lost. The SPIN will be how old is Biden, The SPIN will be Trump lied. And worst of all for me, as a concerned American Citizen, as a member of the Human Race, the worst SPIN will be that PEOPLE WILL SOMEHOW FORGET ABOUT THE 4 YEARS TRUMP HAD BEEN IN OFFICE, AND THE HORRORS HE COMMITTED, VS THE WORK BIDEN HAS DONE TO KEEP OUR LIVES SAFER AND HEALTHIER. 


That is what frustrates and scares me!