Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Morer changed quotes

 How Putin and Kim Stand to Gain From a Rare Visit That’s Troubling the West Leaders to deepen ties in a partnership that worries the U.S., West and China. (The Wall Street Journal)

Trump’s two BFFs are having a BRO Meeting in North Korea; what possibly could go wrong for the rest of the world? Imagine all of you out there who still DO NOT RESIDE IN REALITY; how much worse something as bad as that could be if and when TRUMP is somehow elected to office? Using another ridiculous Republican's words (Bush Jr.),t his could then become THE AXIS OF EVIL!


Jon Stewart Calls Out GOP Hypocrisy on Crime, Guns Coming From Red States. “The balls of these right-wing motherf-ckers talking about how there’s too much gun crime and chaos in our Democratic cities,” said The Daily Show host on Monday’s monologue. (RollingStone)

There is a quote “A fool and his money will soon be separated.” For our current year of Prelude to Anarchy, I believe that quote should be changed to “A fool and his freedom will soon be separated.” The one thing the GOP is really qualified at doing, is to keep their already ignorant, racist, bigoted , unintelligent voters even dumber than shit, by constantly telling them to “Look Over There.” And like the lemmings, most Fascist governments prefer these MAGA idiots who refuse to see with their own eyes, preferring the lies and fiction of Republicans!


17 times Donald Trump said one thing and then denied it. (POLITI-FACT)

And speaking of not being able to see things with their own eyes, this same group of MAGA FASCIST voters and the COWARDLY CLOWNS CADRE of REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS , placing personal gain above the people, are now insisting that what you just heard IS NOT what you just heard. Uh-huh, let me say that again, as in whatever TRUMP says on purpose and as hateful as he can be, was never said, once most of the normal media plays it or quotes it. Always one wanting to have it HIS way, TRUMP loves to sucker punch, but once someone tries to punch back, TRUMP and his Fascist allies cry, “FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS!” Another quote, “SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL DO NO EVIL,” in this year of the Anarchist needs to be changed to DO NOT SEE MY EVIL, NEVER HEAR MY EVIL, BUT JOIN ME IN MY EVIL!”