Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 I HONESTLY try to be positive to look for hope, to understand the problem and find solutions, BUT, FUCK, when I read about some of the current ways of our American world….I feel doomed!

In the Banana State of Florida, you are not permitted to “Say, Gay,” and now, added to denial of that, you cannot say, “Climate Change.” Both Gays and Climate Change are real, but only in the minds of psychopaths neither exist. However, for the Republican Fascists Nationalistic Christians of Florida, the Gays are not out to GET YOU. However, Climate Change, IS!


Projection and TRUMP are like White on Rice; you cannot have one without the other. Because TRUMP is, among so many other character flaws a narcissist, he cannot help but try and brag about the ideas and plans he has and had implemented. Of course, he is now accusing the Biden Administration of oppressing and criminalizing political opponents, forgetting of course that he, TRUMP, stated that on his first days in office, he will demand his political enemies face some sort of retribution.  TRUMP calls those who seek the freedoms of Democracy Fascists, when in fact, TRUMP has his own Band of Brown Shirts dressed in Red Hate, Tiki Torches, and White Robes.


One more Non-scientist, Non-educated, Non-intelligent Republican, pretending to play Doctor. Moscow Margie is always ready to scandalize, exploit, and exacerbate, being more concerned about finding her 15 minutes of fame, but relying, instead, on her 15 hours of shame. Her classless, and crass attempts to assassinate the reputations of smart people, (I suppose to have us look the other way at her sheer stupidity) were on full display as she went after Dr. Fauci and his COVID response. Moscow Margie conveniently omitted the fact that her Lord and Savior TRUMPS, lack of response cost the lives of over 450, 000 Americans.


Donald Trump Is Banned from 37 Countries as Convicted Felon, Including Major Allies Like Canada and U.K. IF ELECTED PRESIDENT AGAIN, TRUMP WOULD NEED SPECIAL PERMISSION TO ENTER SEVERAL KEY COUNTRIES FOR MAINTAINING FOREIGN RELATIONS. (People Magazine) But in our God Bless America, nation, this Felon can run for the highest office of the land, establish his plans for his type of rule of law, and of course will have the power, if elected to pardon a whole bunch of other Felons, many of which who had worked for him in his last term in office, and many more who will work for him if elected.