Sunday, June 16, 2024

The future is now

 Witness this preview of TRUMP's AUTOCRACY as we live and breathe in the month of June and the year 2024. Witness NOW, the intent and insincere actions of those who will perform the will of TRUMP as TRUMP demands that all who live in America either follow his orders or become prisoners of a very restrictiveand ruinous regime.

We hear all about TRUMP and his Henchmen’s plans for TRUMPS next term and perhaps eternity terms in office and are told by the Media that the future may be bleak, but. Still, and behold, that future is being demonstrated by a whole slew of current events, which, if left unchecked, will destroy our democracy as we know it.


Gym Jordan, and James Comer have spent their time as Congress People not doing the business of the people, but the DIRECT WILL of their Fuhrer, TRUMP. Insisting that all of the crimes TRUMP has either committed or has been accused of committing, these two Enemies of the State, have decided to project TRUMPS treasonous and criminal behavior upon Joe Biden, as if there is some equal opportunity crime. Alito, Thomas, and the rest of the hand-picked Federalist Society Justices have decided that our Constitution is a worthless piece of paper compared to their version of their Bible. They pretend that somehow the adulterous philanderer TRUMP represents holiness, and in his honor, they have decided that Christianity, their version of Christianity, shall become the law of the land.


Jordan, and Comer and the sick ilk of Republicans in Congress have made every effort to attack the Justice System that does not already adhere to the Fascist machinations of TRUMP and his Ivy League group of Fascists, and they are calling out Judges and District Attorneys who have tried their best to invite the will of the people to thrive.


Hero’s for HEIR TRUMP include the likes of Dictators whose own authoritarianism represents the slimiest and most vile in the world, be it Jung-un to Putin to Viktor Orban, the TRUMP CULT, will abide by the ill will and disregard for freedom, choice, liberty and justice.


We have been warned to fear a future Trump Presidency, but Holy Shit, that future is here right now in our present.