Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The APPRENTICE 2024 Season

 The newest season of The Apprentice has been playing not only on our TV sets but also in the stadiums, arenas, cow palaces, parking lots, and steps of courthouses throughout America. This 2024 season of The Apprentice has all of the induced nausea, rehearsed scripts, and written to sound as if pa person is speaking extemporaneously, kind of like off the cuff, as if their sudden emotion motivated to act or react. 

But for this season of the 2024 version of The Apprentice, the participants do not consist of Grade B Actors who used to be athletes or wannabe somebodies; instead, the cast for The Apprentice 2024 consists of Senators, Congress People, and Governors. This season TRUMP has replaced the need for showrunners by personally presenting his God Father's ring on his teeny tiny, orange-dyed finger to be kissed and has laid a path of orange turd for his selected sycophants to follow.


Be it “Little Marco,” or Pucker up JD Vance preparing his Debate,  or his personal Negro, Representative Byron Donalds, or the Dog Murderer Kristi Noem, or Medicare Fraudster Rick Scott, or Born Again and Again and Again, Mike Johnson, or Don’t Say anything I don’t like DeSantis, the cast for the 2024 Season of The Apprentice has been vying and trying, and crying for the King of Reality TV, TRUMP to choose them. No low is too low for these folks, no hypocrisy is too hypocritical, no double standard is double enough, and all of them trying to sniff TRUMPS ass, have given up on any SELF-RESPECT.


But even worse, as I see it, is how the Media is playing perfectly into TRUMPS PR plans, by constantly, and consistently show and telling their audiences all about the mystery of who TRUMPS VP PICK might be. TRUMP is full of shit about almost everything, but he does shine brightest by bringing the so-called intelligent media down to his own rotten way of life. 


WE ARE WATCHING THE APPRENTICE SEASON 2024, and TRUMP has paid zero in dollars for it to be presented. Will we ever learn how NOT to become SCHMUCKS for his CON?