Sunday, June 9, 2024

In front of our faces

 ‘An absolute betrayal’: Rep. Raskin slams Republicans for aiding Trump’s plans for retribution. New reporting about how Trump could weaponize U.S. spy services against domestic political enemies if he wins a second term is fueling new concerns about Trump abusing the government for self-serving purposes. (MSNBC)


עס איז רעכט אין פראָנט פון דיין פּנים אָבער איר קלייַבן צו איגנאָרירן עסווער איז דער נאַר? It is right in front of your face, yet you choose to ignore it! This was a common phrase used by my Grandma Braff back in the day when our nuclear family included dozens of dozens of first and second cousins.  My Grandma Braff was usually considered the last word, the final word, on placing guilt, on proclaiming what is right and what is wrong, and KNOWING how one should live their life! OY!  Whenever Yiddish was necessary to speak, my siblings and I understood,  that some kind of lesson was about to be taught, someone must have done something very bad, OR someone was VERY, VERY, VERY stupid words, their deeds, or their intent.


Here I am living in the year 2024, and as I live and breathe I witness some very stupid people, ignoring facts and evidence, deciding instead that ignorance must be bliss, and that they should place their own personal bias’s and selfishness above the future of this nation, and the futures for their next, and next generations!


TRUMP and his “kiss ass,” “I want power, lots of it,” “fuck democracy and replace it with Authoritarianism,” “it may not be good for you, but it is GREAT for me,” enablers have provided America, and its American citizens, with previews of just how DYSTOPIAN AND FASCIST, they desire our nation to become. No more lies, no more deceit, now, just an open book of JUST IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES, of TOTALARISIUM  the United States will become.


In their desire to believe that if they are a part of the plan to destroy Democracy, they remain in power, a whole hell of a lot of REPUBLICANS, have provided their MIDDLE FINGER, to the majority of Americans. And sadly the African American, the Female, the LGB Community, the Jewish Community Republicans, who refuse to admit that TRUMP and his Red Hat, Brown Shirt, White Robbed, thugs are Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes, and Anti-Semites, are enabling this wanna-be Dictator to succeed in blowing up our Constitution our freedom, our choices and our equalities.


It is right in front of your face, yet you choose to ignore it! And Grandma Braff, I will add to your infamous quote, and sadly you place your selfishness above and beyond the welfare of others!