Thursday, June 27, 2024



The Republicans and their bought and paid for Supreme Court Jesters, claiming to be Pro-Life, when in fact, they seem to make living that miserable for a great majority of Americans. One or the other, the GOP Fascists in Congress or the GOP Activist Justices sitting on the Supreme Court, are usually insisting that all life is good, but mainly if that life lives inside the wom, because once it is delivered and takes its first inhale of air, it seems that the GOP says, “fuck off!’ They vote against or set laws against clean air, deny the lives of people who are Transgendered, refuse to accept medical advice regarding vaccines, fight the idea that same-sex couples find happiness in marriage, forget to feed the poor, and villainize humans who want to seek freedom and avoid punishment. 


For those of us who actually understand what it means to be Pro-Life, as in how we live that life, it is totally FRUSTRATING, to watch, witness, and wait for the next death knell to be sanctioned against us. Why is it, at least as I see it, THAT we are granting permission for a demographic of HATERS of LIFE to define what it means to be PRO-LIFE? I am so FRUSTRATED, at the constant FRUSTRATION by HYPOCRITES, within the Republican Party.