Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Another bottom feeder

 J.D. Vance: People Should Stay In 'Violent' Marriages For The Sake Of The Kids. “And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I’m skeptical. But it really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages,” Vance said. “And that’s what I think all of us should be honest about, is we’ve run this experiment in real time. And what we have is a lot of very, very real family dysfunction that’s making our kids unhappy.” (HUFFPOST)


Vance appears to believe unhappy, violent marriages are preferable to divorce. I have my doubts. Many divorced couples successfully collaborate to give their children love, support and security. Children in unhappy, violent homes surely don’t feel loved, supported, and secure in those homes. Vance also is against same-sex marriage. Given his way, would he disband the many loving, stable families of same-sex couples and risk losing all that happiness and future prosperity?  (Columbus Dispatch)


JD Vance is a highly educated man, he is smart enough to understand just how to sell snake oil to the millions of folks who are only as smart as what they hear on the TV or Radio , and who prefer being the sheep sent to slaughter than the Shepherd, leading them. JD Vance is an author, knowing how words can be used to establish a motive, even when the facts are absent. JD Vance has HIGH ambitions, one of which is to lick every crevice of TRUMPS orange anal opening, hoping to become the VICE DICTATATOR-IN CHIEF.


So now, along with Republicans who pretend to have a medical degree, this jerk suddenly has a PHD in Psychology and Sociology. HE, and ONLY HE, knows exactly what makes and keep kids happy. HE and ONLY HE, knows that a Heterosexual Mom, and a Heterosexual Dad , are the perfect pair to raise kids, even IF the Heterosexual Mom and the Heterosexual Dad, use physical or mental abuse in their relationship toward one another. JD Vance who so desperately wants to be loved by the American Christian Nationalist Fascists professes that no matter how horrible Heterosexual Mom and Dad are to one another, they should keep their hate for each other going…you know, FOR THE KIDS! Oh yeah and for good measure, JD Vance could give one shit about the kids in a home of Same-Sex parents, no, nope, no matter how stable or how long or how loving those families might be, according to JD Vance those kids need to be removed.