Friday, June 21, 2024

The fools

 So “Little Marco,” and the newest edition of how low can you go as a Republican Senator, JD Vance, has been recruited to pay homage to the Fascist Palace at Mar-Lago to assist the Cognitive Declining TRUMP with his Presidential Debate.

Hmmm…One has to wonder which of these two men is more qualified to assist Heir TRUMP, “Little Marco,” who once swore that TRUMP was a fool, a moron and  an idiot, or JD, who once accused TRUMP of being an Americanized Adolph Hitler?


Two wannabe lackey’s supposing that placing personal gains above and beyond the will and welfare of the people are vying to do the will of a Sociopath, who, in the end, always shoves anyone who is not TRUMP under the bus!


One also has to wonder,  two things regarding “Little Marco and JD…upon which wall at the Fascist Palace of Mar-Lago will TRUMP place his newly collected testicles from Rubio and Vance? And if TRUMP loses the debate will h, will he send his MAGA monsters out to hang “Little Marco and JD, as he instructed his MAGA Morons to hang Mike Pence?