Thursday, June 6, 2024

Look Over There, again

 White House intervenes as Biden accused of mental decline. Administration pressures Democrats to emphasise the president’s advantages amid claims he forgets policies, is reliant on notes and appears to fall asleep in public. (The Times. The Sunday Times) 

The American  Media once again is assisting the Right Wing Propagandists to support intentional misinformation regarding Presidential politics. Even George Bush Junior was smart enough to use the quote. “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” 


The same lying bag of shits, funded mostly by Right-Wing Christian American Nationalist Fascists, and their Band of Billionaire Brothers and Sisters, who used “But her emails,” and “lock her up,” are at it again using their ART OF PERFECTION successfully once again. And in my opinion having lived through the Trump Propaganda machine and its army of Russian Bots, Anti-Democracy, Enemies of the State, their folly and fiction is being lapped up by so called main stream Media, once again. 


Look at TRUMP, listen to TRUMP, witness TRUMP, and clearly all you see is an individual in DIRE COGNATIVE DECLINE. Rambling in speech, disassociating real life between his fantasies, delusional, sometimes actually freezing up…MENTAL DECLINE seems to be the headline printed on his Orange Dyed Face. So, as always his cadre of Red Hats, White Robes, and Brown Shirts become frightened that this journey into senility might actually be too noticeable to ignore, so what to they do…they play the game they are oh so successful with…LOOK OVER THERE, as in LOOK OVER AT JOE BIDEN.


TRUMP is master very little, but he and his team of treasonists are EXCEPTIONAL at the art of projection, and even more successful in convincing way too many main stream media outlets to be lulled into creating fictional headlines. Who is crazier, the crazy people behind TRUMP, or the crazies who refuse to learn lessons from their past!