Tuesday, June 11, 2024


  A bit of joy for me today regarding American politics, reading about how the LARGEST, ORANGEST SNOWFLAKE within the bizarro world of MAGA is melting.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! You cursed brat! Look what you've done!! I'm melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world. Who would have thought that some little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. OHHHHHHH!!! NO!!! I'm going...ohhhhhhh..ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.... (The Wicked Witch of the West)


Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’

The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements. (Vanity Fair)


FINALLY, those well paid Democrat Talking Heads have realized that all it takes is a full bucket of TRUMP BULL SHIT to be poured all over TRUMP and destroy his façade of lies, hypocrisy, fabrications, and snake oil. Use every single phrase and quote and meandering bit of nothingness regurgitated from the gut and bowels of TRUMP that he, TRUMP, has spewed against the world…and use it against TRUMP. 


AND wham bam thank you ma’am, watch as this psychopath, sociopath begins to implode, begins to spin and spin and spin…and finally, HOPEFULLY, like the Wicked Witch of the West….MELT!