Saturday, June 15, 2024

Keepin HIS hate alive

 Trump cognitive decline increasingly difficult to conceal despite setting low bar. (MSNBC) ‘Remarkably meandering’ Trump who ‘could not keep a straight thought’ spooks some CEOs ( Former White House staffer says Trump called for leaker to be executed Trump’s demand that 2020 leaker be punished with death raises questions about retribution if he is re-elected. (The Guardian) Key Donald Trump media allies Fox News host Laura Ingraham and popular right-wing podcaster Steve Bannon are aiming for the former president's Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement to take power and control the government for 50 years. (NEWSWEEK) The dangers of Project 2025, the right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term that threatens to wreak havoc on the Department of Justice, consolidate federal power, and ultimately “take over the legal structures of our nation.” (MSNBC)


I have tried NOT to BLOG about the very existence of TRUMP. I have tried in recent weeks to view all of the many other fractures and fragilities claiming our American conscience. But as much as I have hoped to defray my angst and acid reflux regarding TRUMP, the pain and the deceit, the agony and the harm that has been spread across this nation I love grows and grows and grows.


Trump is on life support held in position of power by some very evil Enemies of the State, who are smart enough to know that keeping the stupid fed on BIGOTRY, BOGUS, and BIAS is all that is necessary for them to embrace hate. Trump, is not Joe Biden old, but the kind of feeble old from which the rot and ruin of living a long life filled with venom has caught up with him and has infected all of his being is next, if Trump becomes President, as in who was next during Hitlers rise to power. No one is safe, and sadly the politicians who lick Trumps ass pretend that somehow because they are acting as his eunuchs now, their testicles, back bone and spines will not become even more severed. The future of America is being planned as we speak, planned by those who have graduated from Ivy League Colleges, from CEO’s who inhale and exhale money, from wannabe Kings and Queens who actually think they will safe from the Sociopath called Trump.


Let’s call out Public Enemy’s of the United States, who seek their own fame and fortune rather than the freedoms for the rest of us. CRUZ, Stephen Miller, BANNON, MURDOCH’S, Laura Ingraham, Little Marco, JD Vance, MS. Lindsey, Crypt Keeper McConnell, Moscow Margie, Gym Jordan, Aileen Cannon, Ginni Thomas, HANNITY, MUSK, SCOTTS( Trumps’ Black Tim, and  the Fraudster Rick),KUSHNER, James Comer, Every CEO who prioritizes GREED over Good, who prefer profits over clean air, the Billionaires who desire to keep the poor, starving and down trodden, the Media who still continues to pretend there are two equal sides to the story, or those who prefer income over democracy. TRUMP is dangerous, but for me the real danger lies within the ill intentions of those who keep his hate alive.