Monday, June 10, 2024

Tired of being so sick and tired

 Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has asked Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and another top state prosecutor to testify over Donald Trump’s prosecution. (MSNBC)

I am tired of shrugging my shoulders, exhaling a deep dooming sigh, rolling my eyes, and ending all of those gestures with the comment, “Once again, it is Gym Jordan acting like Gym Jordan. I am tired, so damn fucking tired of saying that here is one more example of HYPOCRICY, one more demonstration of loyalty to Trump rather than loyalty to the Constitution, one more day when Gym Jordan ignores the law and tries his most hateful way to impose his double standards. When do those in the House fight back as vociferously and vicious as this Fascist Gym Jordan?


Justice Alito Caught on Tape Discussing How Battle for America 'Can't Be Compromised' In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice says he “agrees” that the U.S. should return to a place of godliness. (Rolling Stone)

I am tired of having acid reflux any time,, and every time I read about the lawlessness and anti-Constitutionalism committed by Supreme Court Justices, whose lifetime tenure ensures they can behave as an Enemy of the State forever! I am tired, so damn fucking tired of witnessing people like Alito and Thomas as they raise their middle finger to law and order, all the while pontificating and pronouncing their version of American law for anyone who is not them. When will the Democrat Senators stop being so kind and gentle with these American citizens, and become more hardcore in trying to stop them?


V.P. Wannabe Tom Cotton Defends Trump "Rewarding Putin" Donald Trump’s new plan shows where his loyalty really lies. (The New Republic)

I am tired of the angst I feel when idiots like Tom Cotton, a US Senator, places his personal ambitions above and beyond the hope and heart of Democracies around the world. I am tired of feeling sickened, by people like Cotton, whose definition of Patriotism, comes down to, “Whatever is good me, will be good for America. Once more I wait and wonder, when, WHEN will the Democrats in the Senate, call this Enemy of State out as one more wanna-be Fascist!


BUT WHAT I AM REALLY SICK OF…is feeling that there is nothing within my power to stop this right in our face madness!