Saturday, June 15, 2024

Whose Flag Day was it

 “There are many flags in many lands,

There are flags of ev’ry hue,

But there is no flag in any land,

Like our own red, white and blue.” (There Are Many Flags In Many Lands/Howitt)


Flag Day was June 14, 2024. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the original American flag. The same flag was used when the Declaration of Independence was signed to give a flag for the entire country rather than each state having their own. (USA Today)


‘Cats out of the bag’: Justice Alito’s wife threatens revenge against the media for flag scandals. (MSNBC) Kari Lake, the leading Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona, delivered a speech in front of a Confederate flag at a Trump-themed merchandise store in Show Low, Ariz., last week. (NY TIMES) Pride Month flags vandalized near Stonewall National Monument: police A preliminary investigation found an unidentified person had removed and destroyed 160 flags in the area around 8 p.m. Thursday, according to police. (The Advocate) Many in the rabid mob who stormed the US Capitol yesterday came armed with a portable and potent weapon: a flag. There were large election banners, battle colors from the American Civil War, neo-Nazi flare, Christian symbols, and a smattering of national and state flags. Seen as a whole, they serve as a twisted ideological quilt for those who believe that the US election was stolen from incumbent president Donald Trump. (


Perhaps, once upon a time the Stars and Stripes, actually meant Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. BUT THEN, it didn’t. Now in America 2024, where an admitted wannabe Fascist has the support of the Republican Party, the Stars and the Stripes, seem to be the enemy flag. An upside down flag, a Confederate Flag of a sworn enemy, some kind of Jesus Flag, the Nazi Party Flag, all of which state very clearly that we are not equal, we all do not deserve freedoms, and fuck you if you think America is free. And then, of course there is the Gay Pride Flag, which promotes equality, acceptance and difference…BUT THAT FLAG is perceived as the bad guy… SERIOUSLY AMERICA!