Sunday, June 30, 2024


 INSTEAD of reminding Americans, with great pride and honor, JUST how much better these past FOUR years of a Biden Administration have been versus the previous FOUR years of the administration of the narcissist TRUMP, the Democrat Donor Class (you know, the folks with the meg bucks who seem to really decide our democracy) are wringing their wealthy fingers and publicly calling for Biden to drop out…NOW, AIN’T THAT JUST WHAT THE REPUBLICANS RELISH!

INSTEAD of comparing the freedoms, rights, choices, fairness, and equalities that the Biden Administration had delivered in his past FOUR years, it seems the Democrat Donor Class is fixated on one night, three hours of that one night, as if during that one night is when HISTORY began… NOW AIN’T THAT JUST WHAT THE REPUBLICANS RELISH!


BUT ON THE OTHER HAND. The Republicans Donor Class, have zero, zilch, nada problems with CONTINUING to support a convicted Rapist, a Felon with 34 counts, a convicted Fraudster, an accused spy who had Top Secret Documents and Confidential Documents stashed between his underwear, smelly golf shirts, and Diet Coke, in closets, bedrooms, and maybe his deceased wife’s coffin.


BUT ON THE OTHER HAND. The Republican Donor Class has no problem with Trump’s promise of an Administration filled Dystopian Autocracy, an administration whthatill continue to fuck up  our environment and climate, an administration preferring Putin, Orban, Jung-un, to one single world leader who believes in Democracy.


Money in politics never written in our Constitution but somehow revered as if our Founders had written those words in blood. Add to this sheer lack of courage and fortitude, the myriad of spineless, cowards calling themselves Democrat politicians. And of course we have the Media who just seem to forget their admitted mistakes during the Hilary/Trump elections, and who promised during the first Biden/Trump elections to seek truth rather than headlines.


As I read or watch the lunacy spewed by the Political Party I am affiliated with I grow sick and sad!