Monday, July 1, 2024

Have you no...

 In a dramatic confrontation, Joseph Welch, special counsel for the U.S. Army, lashes out at Senator Joseph McCarthy during hearings on whether communism has infiltrated the U.S. armed forces. Welch’s verbal assault—including the enduring question "Have you no sense of decency?"—marked the end of McCarthy’s power during the anticommunist hysteria of the Red Scare in America. (HISTORY CHANNEL) 

I am still APPALLED, AMAZED and ALARMED, regarding the senseless attacks on Joe Biden’s responses as he stood on stage in what had to be anything but a TRUE DEBATE. We witnessed moderators never fact checking, we witnessed one monstrous lie after another regurgitated from any and all orifices belonging to TRUMP, we witnessed one refusal after another by TRUMP to answer direct questions…BUT YET, all we are now hearing is that Joe Biden cannot win this upcoming election, BECAUSE, fucking BECAUSE of a few hours in which his performance (NOT HIS PAST ACHIEVEMENTS) seemed below par…AND YET, it seems that the Media, The Democrat Donor Base, The Talking Heads, had very little to say about just how low of a bar, TRUMP performed on stage.


Maybe Dana Bash or Jake Taper should have interrupted TRUMP and asked him if he “HAS NO SENSE OF DIGNITY?”  Has our American Politics come down to ONE MORE REALITY TRASHY BULL SHIT SHOW?


I will repeat myself, over and over and over again, because it is MY FUTURE, the FUTURE of my children and friends and family, and the FUTURE of their children and friends and family, at stake here. Joe Biden’s achievements are inclusive, they are hopeful, he cares about all of us. TRUMPS achievements ONLY CENTER on what is best for HIM…AND MORESO no matter how evil, how criminal, how malicious TRUMP has been and still is and intends to be, his whacko Republicans will follow him to the lowest depths of DEPRAVITY. BUT the Democrats showcasing their way too often cowardice want to run away!