Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I usually write my BLOGS with a definite slant. I am opinionated most of the time, always open to listening to other sides, but oftentimes, unless I believe the argument against my point of view is filled with facts and not bias, my mind cannot be changed. I use lots of snark and tons of sarcasm to make my points heard because today's news and current events seem so overwhelming that my one defense is to try and present the nonsense and noise it creates.


I write this particular BLOG this time in a different manner and tone.  I seem to find myself in a truly amazing QUANDRY, one in which  simply put,  all I see is GOOD versus BAD, RIGHT versus WRONG, PROMISE versus DYSTOPIA. All of these simple choices  awaiting all of us, as a nation come election Day Tuesday November 5, 2024.


A Felon, a Rapist, a Fraud, a Liar, an Adulterer, an Insurrectionist, perhaps a child molester, and yet TRUMP is not only the supposed Republican candidate, but he is embraced and endorsed by a large Christian community and almost universally supported by GOP voters. TRUMPS vows vengeance, TRUMP disavows NATO and relationships with our democratic allies, he has spoken openly of his relationships with avowed Anti-Semites, Homophobes, Misogynists and  Dictators. But the conversation seems to focus at all on having him step out of the race.


The economy is growing, inflation has declined, support for Ukraine and their freedom, words like equality, freedom, liberty are spoken by Biden. Inclusion has been his concern, the purpose of Unions, the passion for families, health care and the environment are topics Biden has made a priority. Yet, suddenly Biden’s age NOT HIS RECORD is at question.


I am Pro Biden, but am now listening to those who oppose him, but as I listen to them I grow more confused as to why they demand he step down. Again not because of his track record of accomplishments but his age. The newest QUANDRY in which I find myself drowning is what is the correct answer for our nation and the generations to follow. We as Democrats zig and zag with an older statemen, while the Republicans move forward with Felon, Liar, Cheat, and Enemy of the State?