Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Are we ACTUALLY living in a multi-verse, right now, right here?  Take a look at the facts the TRUMP/MAGA/FASCISTS present as reality, and then seriously, just LOOK!


Kamala is now accused of laughing, smiling, and delighting in her attendance with Americans of all colors, religions, and sexuality. TRUMP threatens his crowds and, if he does manage to speak coherently, inspires, with his pursed orange lips vengeance.


The TRUMP/MAGA/FASCISTS new attack on Kamala as the failed Border Czar. The reality that the TRUMP/MAGA/FASCISTS gladly omit is the fact that the border would NOT have been a crisis if Heir Trump had not ORDERED his Brown Shirt/Red Hat/White Robed/Nazis from dismantling a true piece of legislation to remedy that situation.


The TRUMP/MAGA/FASCISTS love to throw around just how evil IMMIGRANTS are for this nation, using examples of crime and employment-safe communities. Interesting, yet so REPUBLICAN, they willingly overlook a few REAL statistics. TRUMP married an Immigrant, JD (whatever the fuck his last name is, married an Immigrant. Ted Cancun Cruz’s parents were Immigrants. Rupert Murdoch, who has almost singlehandedly corrupted the US Media, was an Immigrant. Little Marco is supported by one of the largest groups of Immigrants who found the US a safety net from Authoritarianism government, of Cuba.


And crime, not so much from Immigrants as the TRUMP/MAGA/FASCISTS claim, has evolved and been honed by the GOP. An Insurrection, an attempted Coup by trying to steal electoral college votes, tax fraud by TRUMP.


SERIOUSLY…but yet the Media seems to ignore this.