Monday, July 1, 2024


I so wish, that with today’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of an American Autocrat, I could have been amazed, astonished, surprised, but damn it, the amazement, the astonishment, the surprise is nowhere to be found within any rulings this supposed ,Supreme of Courts, jurists  have agreed upon within their 6 to 3 majority.


6 common people, 6 anti-Democracy people, 6 political partisans preferring authoritarianism, dictatorial policies, criminal behavior pretending that in EFFECT ONE and only ONE person is not above the law but can create or destroy any law he deems important to he, and ONLY he.


I became physically ill upon hearing these 6 Court Jesters, openly admit that when it comes to TRUMP, crime pays. Most likely the majority of 6 received instructions from their own benefactors, owners, operators, and puppet masters, prioritizing their own self-interests above and beyond the people of this nation. 


I have run out of snark and sarcasm, I have stopped measuring the amount of bulls shit and hypocrisy, I have instead, realized that in America of 2024, the one and only ALMOST hope is that the majority of Americans vote. Forget the old adage, vote like your life matters, because this time if you do not vote entirely BLUE, the life you live will not matter at all.