Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fear his truth

 Usually, the Orange Felon, adored and worshiped by uber-wealthy Capitalists, very poor folks who believe that those same uber-wealthy people might actually come to their financial rescue, and a bunch of bigots who thrive on victimizing others because they have no idea how to help themselves, USUALLY he just projects his own insecurities (which are VAST) and denies delays, and dances around the truth. But every now and then this accused Rapist and Fraudster tells some terrifying truths, all of which should be a HUGE, BLARING alarm to the rest of the nation.


-------Donald Trump, the former president who double downed on his ambitions of being a dictator, told a crowd gathered in West Palm Beach on Friday that if elected for a second term, they "won't have to vote anymore."

At the Florida summit, hosted by conservative group Turning Point Action, Trump promised that if he wins in November, he would "once again appoint rock-solid conservative judges who will protect religious liberty." (Rolling Stone)


------Donald Trump, the former president who double downed on his ambitions of being a dictator, told a crowd gathered in West Palm Beach on Friday that if elected for a second term, they "won't have to vote anymore."

At the Florida summit, hosted by conservative group Turning Point Action, Trump promised that if he wins in November, he would "once again appoint rock-solid conservative judges who will protect religious liberty." (CNN Business)


TRUMP lies; I believe he THRIVES ON LIES and perhaps Diet Coke, Big Macs, and Ketchup. But TRUMP is so good at the CON and understands the weaknesses and greed of others that when he must tell a TRUTH, he knows EXACTLY how to deliver it.


Uber-wealthy have little use for the common good. Christian Nationalist Fascists have no use for Democracy, and TRUMP has use for himself and the preservation of being KING. Once more, “BE AFRAID, AMERICA, BE VERY AFRAID!