Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I Saw Democracy

 On Saturday, July 20, 2024, I had the opportunity to attend an event with Vice President Kamala Harris. What I witnessed was a picture of true Americana, which in its photo was as inclusive as possible. 

Along with the Vice President, who among her other qualities happens to be a female of Asian African Heritage, I was afforded the magic of that moment to listen and watch a cadre of other leaders who showcased the Diveristy, which truly is America. 


Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, who, among his other qualities, is a Homosexual Male. The Governor of Massachusettes, Maura Healey, who, among her other qualities, happens to be a Homosexual Female; Massachusetts US Senator Ed Markey, who, among his other qualities, happens to be an older Caucasian Heterosexual Male; Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, who among her other qualities, happens to be a Female Taiwanese Heterosexual, and Deleware State Senator Sarah McBride, who among her other qualities happens to be Trans Woman. All who happen to be Politicians representing the Democratic Party.


INCLUSION, INCLUSIVE, INVITING… What I was a part of on Saturday, July 20, 2024, in Provincetown, Massachusetts was what should be and always remain a common thread of the collective: not divisive, not destructive, regarding our DEMOCRACY. All the speakers talked about what we can do, who we are in doing it, and how it can be done TOGETHER!


I was PROUD to be an American!