Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Danger, Stephen Miller

 Former Trump advisor Stephen Miller claimed he has “never been involved with Project 2025” in a post on X on Saturday, however, a video on the Project 2025 YouTube channel says otherwise. I have never been involved with Project 2025, not one word. But keep hoaxing, losers. Hoaxes are all you have.” (Daily Beast)


A reminder: Stephen Miller has become the Trump reinvention of Hitler's First Lt, Heinrich Himmler. This self-loathing Jewish son of Holocaust survivors has eagerly and avidly been assisting Trump's agenda regarding, immigration Policies, The border, and all of the Xenophobic, Racist, and Islamophobic vile venom that TRUMP takes great pride in reciting. Stephen Miller has no problem with avoided Anti-Semites, almost encouraging his Heir TRUMP to continuously court them. (And as an aside, as much as TRUMP seems himself to be an avid Anti-Semite, Stephen Miller also seems to be a doppelganger of one of the slimmest and lowest life Jewish anti-Semites, Roy Cohn  man even to this day who TRUMP reveres and still quotes some of the most evil of teachings)


We ALL should know by now that when anyone of TRUMP’s henchmen begins to blame any wrong deed on others, rather themselves, in FACT,  not only have they committed such evil acts, but they most likely were the key players in preparing those acts, just like TRUMP.


The new mantra for reality by The TRUMP-ETTES is that no matter what you see on video, or hear on tape, if it spins a negative light on the already fucked up TEAM TRUMP,  then  of course TRUMP himself  MUST be in on that HOAX.  Thou should never question do not believe your eyes or ears just agree it must be a HOAX.


Heinrich Himmler was a shadow of Hitler, inspiring and coaxing Hitler to be as evil as possible. One should be very worried about Stephen Miller.