Sunday, July 28, 2024

Holy Hell


Where has the Christian community been these past eight years? Folks like Trump/Moscow Marge/Boebert/anyone FOX have dominated the religious news, proclaiming that adultery, greed, lust, and ego are examples of their Jesus. Now, JD Vance and his ilk of self-proclaimed profits conclude without any opposition that sin is only designated for the Democrats, that shame is only for the Democrats, and that religious snake oil is good when applied by Republicans.


“Thousands sign Christian petition demanding Clarence Thomas impeachment. It reads: "As a member of the Christian organization Faithful America, I am deeply concerned by the corruption crisis on the U.S. Supreme Court, particularly the unreported gifts from Christian-nationalist activists and the refusal of justices connected to support of January 6 to recuse themselves from related cases.

"I urge you to co-sponsor newly introduced articles of impeachment against Justices Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, so that we can begin to restore integrity to the high court and usher in a time when justice for all truly does prevail in our nation." (NEWSWEEK)


If you are truly a Christian, one who believes in your Jesus and not TRUMP, then START ACTING UP, ACTING OUT…and by all means BE LOUD!