Sunday, July 28, 2024


 Senator Katie (Stepford Wives) Hobbs was outraged by the opening of the Paris Olympics and appalled that Drag Queens portrayed the Last Supper. But Katie had no problem whatsoever with the anti-Christian action of the adulterer Trump. 

JD (whatever his real name is) Vance ruminates about Childless Women. But somehow, he has no words for the Fathers who spend little to no time with their kids, or the Fathers like TRUMP who express sexual innuendos toward their daughters, or who seemingly all the time speak disingenuously regarding their sons.


Republican Missouri Secretary of State candidate Valentina Gomez attacked Vice President Kamala Harris on X, where she called her a “little wh*re. Somehow as this Immigrant decided that female Misogyny is okay, she forgot to include, in her slut shamming, the divorced Moscow Margie and her two boy toys while married, and of course, the ever-fervent BOEBERT and her escapades in the theater during Beetlejuice.


And the INFAMOUS, Heritage Society, and their God Blessed Project 2025, along with the blessings of JD, what’s my name, and of course Trump, who profoundly stated, I don’t know who they are, but I wish them well, is all about the role of women as chattel…one must wonder, does that mean that women like BOEBERT, MOSCOW MARGE, Elise Stefanik, Nikki Haley, Katie Hobbs will have to remove themselves from Government in the year 2025?