Sunday, July 14, 2024

Poor young Barron

 Barron Trump, who at 18 is the youngest son of Donald Trump, made his political debut Tuesday night when the former president introduced him to a rally crowd in Florida. “That’s the first time he’s done it. That’s the first time, right?” Trump said. “You’re pretty popular, he might be more popular than Don and Eric, we gotta talk about this. Hey Don, we gotta talk about this.”  (UFFPOST)

The Barron Fist Pump That Reveals Donald Trump’s Plan for a MAGA Dynasty. (Daily Beast)


Now that Barron is 18, we are now permitted to comment on Trumps youngest child from his third wife.  I feel sorry for Barron, actually, being born into a family where his mother was having an affair with a married. Born into a family whose Patriarch’s main goals in life consist of grifting, fraud, lying like a wild fire. Barron did not commit any of these crimes, but now it seems in the eyes of his wanna be dictator and Fascist father, Barron is in line to inherit all that the garbage associated with being a TRUMP.


Just a few other things, Barron. A fist bump, really, you are emulating you snake oil father, because… And now Barron, if you listen closely to your Felon Fathers on words, he is pitting you against your older brother Bevis and Butthead.  


Be afraid young Barron Trump, you are living within a family who uses smoke and mirrors, sells snake oil, and seems to lack and all empathy and sympathy.