Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Never, say Gay, Peter

 Buttigieg suggested that Thiel’s support for candidates like Vance was driven by a desire to maintain a favorable political environment for his business interests despite the ideological inconsistencies. Buttigieg described Thiel’s support for Vance as a “profound contradiction,” given Vance’s opposition to marriage equality despite Thiel being gay. “I know there are a lot of folks who say, ‘What’s going on with some of these Silicon Valley folks veering into Trump world with JD Vance and backing Trump? Silicon Valley... they’re supposed to care about climate. They’re supposed to be pro-science and rational and libertarians. So, normally, libertarians don’t like the authoritarians. What’s up with that?’” Buttigieg said. “I think it’s actually—we’ve made it way too complicated. It’s super simple. These are very rich men who have decided to back the Republican party that tends to do good things for very rich men.” (ADVOCATE)


I know, I know, HISTORY for way too many is soooooo boring, so truthful, and so factual. HISTORY for the wealthy, and the powerful is something they wish to hide or disguise. Keep the peasants hateful, vengeful, so that they can scapegoat the wrong victims.


Peter Thiel, is a Gay man, that fact he does not hide, however it seems that Thiel believes that if he and so many other Log Cabin Gays, have enough money and wealth, that any Republican Homophobia will never affect them. I mean dude, its Capitalism, as in greed, gluttony and a guilt free existence because if you can pay the politician, the politician will never make you the bad guy!


Back to HISTORY, in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, lots of Jewish Families felt that because they had wealth, people like Hitler and Mussolini would over look their antisemitism. Many rich German and Italian Jews were certain  that their Jewish heritage could be camouflaged by lots and lots of money. And it was, that is, until Hitler and Mussolini understood that they could just steal that money, and suddenly all of those wealthy, we are a different kind of Jew families shared wooden bunk beds in Concentration Camps along with, you know, THE OTHER KIND OF JEW!


Oh Peter Thiel, you were well educated and you actually had to learn HISTORY to get your degree…But I suppose Peter, none of that HISTORY stuff will repeat itself with you!