Sunday, July 7, 2024


 Once again, it is the Democrat Party using the same examples established by the Republican Party, as they seem very happy to throw Joe Biden under the bus, as they seemed to do so with Hilary Clinton, when wham bam, thank you ma’am “But Her Emails, and “Benghazi” were the GOP catchphrases. Instead of calling out the misleading propaganda spun  and spurned by the GOP propaganda machine, at first, almost every single Democrat Politician fell for the ploy, bending over backwards to find reasons to defend Hilary just in case she actually used her emails in some negative manner, rf if in fact, she was the cause for the attack on the Libyan Embassy. Proving once and again their lack of backbone, their lack of courage, their seeming love to be the victim, the Democrats, first seemed to acquiesce that some how the Republican clear and present lies regarding Hilary might be true; based on  ABSOULTELY zero facts or truth. 

If the Democrats are to now accuse Joe Biden of being too old, using the Republican Mantra, let it be, but in the past four years of the old guys administration, start touting, the MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS he has provided for the citizens of this nation. You see, or as I see it, even the Republicans realize Biden’s accomplishments, because with the exception of criticizing him for the Boarder (something the Republicans made worse), there is ZERO mention of the economy, quality of life, equality, justice and democracy by the GOP. 


And yet, all we seem to hear from the Donor Class, or the Politicians within the Democrat Party has nothing to do with Biden’s accomplishments, JUST HIS FUCKING AGE.  They mimic the same bull shit of the Republicans, pretending that nothing else matters.


I have been and remain a fan of President Biden, but if in fac t the tide is moving away from his re-election than please, all of those who wield more power than I do, support his accomplishments first. AND please stop using the same bull shit reasons as the Republicans.


And President Biden, I have always held you in high esteem as a man of and for the peop. Maybe you should consider the people sooner rathoner than later.