Wednesday, July 10, 2024

LYIN, sack of

 --------Trump is trying to distance himself from Project 2025. (ABC News)

Remember when he tried to distance himself from the January 6th Insurrection?


--------"I know nothing about Project 2025," Trump claimed on social media, referring to the 922-page plan put forward by a group of conservative organizations led by the Heritage Foundation. "I have no idea who is behind it."(ABC News)

Remember when he said he did not know E. Jean Carrol, Stormy Daniels, Nick Fuentes of Proud Boy Fame?


--------But when Republicans meet in Milwaukee next week and vote to officially confirm the first new Republican Party platform since 2016 -- which Trump and Republicans across the country will run on -- that platform will have been crafted and influenced by individuals with deep ties to Project 2025.(ABC News)

Remember that TRUMP is a proven liar, a shyster, a Con Man, a Fraud, a Rapist, a Felon, and remember that he is doing the same thing once again, LYING!


How gullible we have become, permitting TRUMP to rewrite not only past history, but to let him erase, right in front of our eyes current events?