Friday, July 19, 2024

Come On DEMS!!!!

People Are Losing It Over Republicans Wearing Fake Ear Bandages In Solidarity With Trump. (BuzzFeed)


Here are a few of my observations, First these MAGA Fascist Morons, think that somehow they are showing solidarity for Trump wearing these false Ear Bandages, I suppose letting those Leftist Liberal Snowflakes (of which I hope I am one), just how much they are sharing the pain and angst of their Fuhrer. But in fact all they are doing is donning the same fake ear bandage as Trump did and still wears. Neither the fake ear bandages look like anything a real Physician would place on a person wounded by a weapon of war, and the one Trump has decided to wear lacks the same professional medical remedy. 


Secondly, it seems that the hottest item at the MAGA Fascist Moron Convention, is the selling of T-shirts with the image of Trumps bloody face. Yeppers, these Morons are printing these T-shirts and selling them as their way to honor their Lord and Savior (look out Jesus, Trump is coming for you)


Thirdly, NOTHING of pure conscience, or morals or values is necessary for these American Christian Nationalist Cultists ignoring the actual victim of this entire PR scam, the family of the man who died trying to protect his family. Maybe a mention of his death, maybe a large donation to offset his funeral, maybe a larger donation to help his family from now on out!


AND THEN WE HAVE THE DEMOCRATS. OY! They cannot even rally around the good guy Joe Biden. Nope, instead they demonstrate their in-fighting for all to see, helping the Republicans with great PR talking points as to just how incompetent even the Dems consider Joe Biden. How about this DEM so called leadership, keep you bull shit behind closed doors, and if you should insist on sharing your own ineptitude with the public, at least, before you insult Joe Biden for being old, tell all of us ALL OF HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AS IN ALL OF THEM.