Monday, July 8, 2024

If not BY THEN

 For now, I can begin my Blog with the words, “Dear citizens of the United States,” I can continue to use the words American Citizens, considering that these citizens, for now, at least, can live their lives with the hope that freedom will prevail. But if on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, too many American, refuse to vote or think that TRUMP is still some kind of God, then maybe by Wednesday, November 6, 2024, if I can still write my Bl,ogs it might have to start out like this, Дорогие американцы, мы теперь все товарищи, и спасибо вам за то, что вы наши дураки (translated into English from Russian, Dear Americans we are now Comrads so thank you for being our fools.


For now, as little left there is of the Divide between Church and State, I can continue to acknowledge that women are equals, LGBT can exist outside of ghettos, that lynching is still illegal, and that anyone not considered a Christian Nationalist Fascist is free to pray to their own God, or not believe i an God, But come Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Then the day after, Wednesday, November 6, 2024, I must wonder if the Christian Crusades will become the new Police State, if women will be murdered for demanding ownership of their own bodies, if concentration camps will be established for those who do not acknowledge the Republican Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and if TRUMPS Private Army will invade any and all of his perceived enemies. 


Or maybe we will speak in phrases like, UNDER HIS EYE, BLESSED BE THE FRUIT, MAY THE LORD OPEN, “PRAISE BE” “NOLITE TE BASTARDES CARBORUNDORUM,” WE’VE BEEN SENT GOOD WEATHER!” These phrases were used by the author Margaret Atwood in her book ‘Handmaid Tale,” If by Tuesday ,November 5, 2024, and on Wednesda,y November 6, 2024, we don’t stop pretending our Democratic world won’t end, because we are too busy with other stuff, then it might be we begin to learn Russian, and of course the language of Christian American Fascism!