Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some truth

 MAGA Crowd Melts Down After Mike Pence Says Something Reasonable Trump followers were in a tizzy after the former vice president thanked Biden for "putting the interests of our Nation ahead of his own" by ending his campaign. (HuffPost) 

Of course, lacking any integrity, but lots of what’s in it for me, the Republicans had a chance to stop the twice impeached, rapist, fraudster, and self-proclaimed owner of Top-Secret files from ever running for President again. But in the usual we have no backbone, morals or ethics machinations and contortions in which they all live, no one ever came forward to say TRUMP IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE and must be stopped. 


Be it Mitch, (go ahead and act biased against my Asian wife), to my Kevin, whose spine has the implants of the Trump Puppet Strings, to almost every current Senator who once upon a time called Trump EVIL, zero, zilch, nada stepped up to prioritize Democracy over their own personal welfare. And sadly the small few who tried to warn the Republican Party regarding their dalliance with the Devil are no longer in politics. 


I am certain, Mike (hang Pence) Pence, thought he was being witty and snooty with his remarks regarding Joe Biden, but Mikey Pence actually was being honest, one of the few times this so-called Evangelical Christian ever had been.


Joe Biden placed America first, and placed Americans as a priority. Unlike the sociopath, narcissist Orange Old Guy Trump, who has no idea that there is anything more important than he.


Truth, even spoken by the “bad guys,” resonates loud and clear.