Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"Retruth", BEWARE

 Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is firing back at former President Donald Trump after the GOP frontrunner boosted a post on Truth Social calling for her “televised military tribunal.” Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney and longtime critic of Trump, responded after the former president promoted a meme reading, “Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason” and “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.” (USA Today) 

As is ALWAYS the case with our newly anointed KING/DICTATOR/AUTOCRAT Trump, he projects his own crimes and insidious actions upon others; I believe because he such a sick NARCCIST, that he cannot help himself as he brags about his own EVIL. 


Trump and his cohort of treasonous Fascists have been operating from the Playbook of making America North Korea or Russia. 


For those who still remain with their head up their own asses or inside Trump’s orange spray tanned orifice, are your own personal hates, bias’s bigotry, and self-loathing so overwhelming as to blind you into not witnessing TRYANNY looming large, looming fast, and looming to smother even your FREEDOMS.


I am not certain, as a mere Citizen how to stop these 6 men and women of the American Christian Nationalist Fascist sitting on the Supreme Court, but I know that if their well-planned efforts to thwart American Democracy claim one more inch of our Democracy, we all will find ourselves prisoners of the STATE. 


Trump and his band of Brown Shirts, White Robbed, Swastika wearing, Red Hats are also using the tactic of Double Speak, a disingenuous ploy to actually change the meaning of words to suit their own criminal intents. Words like woke, truth, justice, freedom, liberty have been translated into Double Speak. All of those words are bad if used by anyone but Republicans. If Republicans use them, regarding their evil intentions than those words are a gift from God; not just any God but the guy who created their AMERIKA!