Sunday, July 21, 2024

Think about it

 --------“Think of it. The 10 worst, added them up — they will not have done the damage that Biden has done,” Trump said. “Only going to use the term once: Biden. I’m not going to use the name anymore. Just one time. The damage that he’s done to this country is unthinkable.” (Donnie Russian Asset Trump/HuffPost)

Grifting, greed, gluttony, lying, and fraud are some standard-bearers for Trump. An additional evil-driven standard from this despot of a human being is his NEED, NECESSITY, and almost GUT-WRENCHING desire to PROJECT. His sociopath illness , completely smothered in NARCCISISM, compels him to SHOUT TO THE WORLD his own bad behavior, as if to say to the world, look at what I have done.


Republicans have spent the week at their national convention calling for unity and inclusion in televised speeches. But on the ground in Milwaukee, the vibe isn’t quite so comforting, and the turn toward Christian nationalism is complete. (Los Angeles Times)


The Republicans are so topsy-turvy in denying truth from fiction that they no longer care about hypocrisy in their own rhetoric. They are so drunk on their own lies that in that drunken stupor, like most inebriated individual , they spew shit, meaningless and mangled. Unity, they say, unity as long as everyone else is united toward their causes.  And sadly, if you found any time to listen to the so-called professional jounalists from the Media, you might imagine, given the mangled imagery used to describe the convention, we are to believe that the Republicans have found their “KUMBYA MOMENT, for the rest of us.


--------Pitching the idea that the United States has become a violent hellscape as a result of undocumented criminals, Cruz went so far as to declare: “How did we get here? It happened because Democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from illegals more than they wanted to protect our children.” (MSNBC)


It might seem a bit ironic that a child-bent on deriding other immigrants, but if you are Ted Cruz, you have no choice but to play the look-over-ve no choice but to play the look over there game. When you actually are the butt of jokes, it seems the right thing to try your damndest to blame someone  or something else. Since the Republicans cannot bash the Economy, Inflation, Employment because the Biden Admininistration has done so well in that regard, it must be the IMMIGRANTS that REALLY, TRULY are the downfall of democracy. Listening to Ted Cruz, is like spending a day tied to a char as hundreds of people take turns scratching their nails on a chalkboard