Tuesday, July 16, 2024



So it seems Mr. (I have bone spurs and cannot be compelled to fight for my nation especially in a hot humid hell hole called Viet Nam), suddenly was bold and brave enough to not only withstand a few stray bullets which supposedly hit his ear but found the strength to raise his right hand in his version of the Nazi Salute.

OH, AND BY THE WAY: When a patient is shot by an AR-15, it "looks like a grenade went off in there." (WIRED)


Exactly how many casing were ACTUALLY found around Trump, and were they neatly placed or sporadically all over the place which is the usual intent  when one uses a weapon of war like the AR-15? Why were there no photos taken of those shells of this so-called assignation attempt. In most other situations we at least small, numbered plastic signs placed next to the casings on the ground.


A bandage, large enough yet not too much as to take away from the orange spray and the hair spray. If even one bullet whizzed by or nipped TRUMPS ear, one might imagine a whole lot of bandage would be needed to cover and protect the wound. But maybe that only applies to the kids in school who were hit with the bullets of an AR-15. And how many stitches did TRUMP require if the AR-15 bullets hit his ear.


And where is the usual OUTCRY regarding anyone deemed not doing their duties to protect the Emperor With No Clothes? I mean if this group of Secret Service assigned to Trump did such a sloppy and lax job in establishing a safe permitter, the Howling Monkeys of the GOP would demand they have their heads chopped off. UNLESS, unless, just like the Special Ops Team hired to help Jeffry Epstein commit suicide in jail were called upon to be in charge of this HOAX?


In the movies, fake blood in capsules is often used by the actor, and often times in the fake world of Professional Wrestling, wham bam with agility of Harry Houdini out of no where the actor or the wrestler touch his or her face and all of the chemicals use in that vile explode onto the body. Wondering if that might have been the extra show and tell and pièce de résistance