Wednesday, July 10, 2024

All Y'all

 Hey, all Y’all fearing for your lives because those damned IMMIGRANTS are invading your Confederacy. If only all Y’all would stop acting as cattle headed for the Republican woodshed and take a moment from pretending that your Bible, the one you don’t read, (but is READ for you by some self-anointed messenger from God, who in fact is 7 figure paid Executive of the heritage Foundation who insists that you HATE) and find some common sense.


All Y’all are being played by the really wealthy folks the ones who have tripled their incomes all the while insisting that why you AIN’T making the same big bucks as they are, is BECAUSE the only villain here to victimize you are those damned IMMIGRANTS. Who pays you those low wages, THE RICH. Who can inflate or deflate the price of EVERYTHING, THE RICH. Who benefits from keeping you stupid as fuck, THE RICH.


All Y’all may be told not read history books by THE RICH, because if all Y’all opened up a book telling you stories of the past in which THE RICH had for centuries pillaged the poor, THE RICH understand that you actually may acquire some self-worth and do something good for you to stop THE RICH, from taking advantage of your lives. 


It has been and remains the one goal of the Republican Party, which has been and remains bought and paid for by THE RICH, to play the old and successful game of “LOOK OVER THERE!” THE RICH offer you a boogie manor woman upon whom you can blame your woes and worries, all the while THE RICH are getting richer and all Y’all remain poor!