Monday, July 22, 2024

JD....once again

 -------Sen. J.D. Vance spoke lovingly of his wife and her family on Wednesday when he accepted the Republican nomination as Donald Trump’s running mate, proudly telling delegates in the convention hall in Milwaukee that he was married to the daughter of South Asian immigrants, “people who genuinely have enriched this country in so many ways.”

But online, extremist supporters of Trump had already trained their attacks on Vance’s wife, Usha, over her Indian heritage, denigrating the couple, their mixed-race family and Usha Vance’s immigrant background. (The Washington Post) In a podcast in which he attacked the Vances, Nick Fuentes, an avowed white supremacist, repeated rhetoric often associated with the racist “great replacement theory” — a line of argument popular among the right-wing, white nationalist fringe that falsely claims that there is a plan to “replace” native-born White Americans with immigrants. Fuentes — who has also promoted antisemitism and who attended the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in 2017 — said he doesn’t expect “the guy who has an Indian wife” to “support White identity.” (The Washington Post)


In case your brain has imploded a few hundred times regarding all of the bull shit and hypocrisy spewed by and from the MAGA Party, try and recall Nick Fuentes is the American Nazi who Trump had adoringly called a good guy and who Trump has met a few times. And if your brain has imploded, remember, please, as is often the case with the myriad of lies produced by Trump, Nick Fuentes is also the American Nazi who Trump pretended to have never heard of.


------Sen. JD Vance dedicated much of his speech at the Republican National Convention to the topic of immigration in the U.S., claiming "illegal aliens" have taken jobs and affordable housing away from American citizens.

Hmm, umm, and what the fuck, JD Vance insists that immigrants are bad for America, except, of course, not the immigrant family who came to America and whose daughter he married. So for JD (look over there not at me) Vance, immigrants are bad if they are not his wife. Immigrants are great if he marries them.


-------J.D. Vance Endorsed a National Abortion Ban in the Grossest Way Possible Trump’s running mate said a national abortion ban was necessary to keep George Soros from flying “Black women” to California for abortions. (Rolling Stone)

Try to hold your brain intact, but JD Vance just can’t help himself trying to out TRUMP, Trump. Now, using the old White Supremacist bull shit from the days of Segregation, JD is telling the black community that the Dems only want abortion for the black community because of EUGENICS, in which racial minorities and ethnic immigrant groups were typically classified as unfit. JD, being very intelligent, has now re-read his history and is using some old Racist scare tactics to pretend that abortion is bad for blacks.