Sunday, July 21, 2024

Thank you President Biden

 “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” Biden said Sunday in a statement. “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.” (The Washington Post)


This my blog, and thus, this my right to express my true emotions and feelings. I a both saddened that such a great President as Joe Biden is stepping down, but I admire, ONCE AGAIN, this man’s ability and altruism to ONCE AGAIN PLACE OUR NATIONS WELFARE ABOVE HIS OWN EGO.


President Biden, thank you for the past four years in which you did everything possible to try and save democracy. Thank you for the past four years in which you had to rebuild our foundations as a nation to ensure that freedoms, liberties, choice, equalities, and honesty could survive. Your accomplishments regarding the environment, climate, voting rights, NATO and our allies, opportunities for all in my opinion made you my hero. And honestly, President Biden, the only presidential hero I ever admired prior to you was JFK.


President Biden, you have guts, you have a conscience, you have the interests of the people as a priority usurping your own needs and wants; and that Sir, at least for me is what constitutes a MENCH!


But now, Mr. President I ask a few more actions on your part. We know that the MAGA Party will pretend that somehow you stepping down as the Democrat nominee is UNAMERICAN. We know that both bull shit and hypocrisy are the two essential elements that keep the MAGA Party alive. And we know that the MAGA Party will huff and puff pretending that somehow you not running again is a wound to democracy, and we also know that the MAGA Party will try to take their fake case to the Supreme Court, which we know is stacked with the puppets of Harlan Crow and his Federalist Society or is it his Fascist Society.


So, President Biden, I beg you to accept the fact that since the Federalist Society Justices believe in an Imperial Presidency, you call their bluff and take a few Executives Orders by using their own definition of protecting Democracy and say that the Supreme Court no longer should have 9 Justices, but instead install at least 5 more Justices who prefer Democracy over Fascism. Trumps activist Justices swear that a President can do anything he deems as good for the nation, so President Biden, by Executive Order deem that more Justices are necessary to keep democracy alive.


Please President Biden, actually, this time play by the same rules as the MAGA Supreme Court has decided is lawful!