Friday, July 19, 2024

Some Yiddish

 “While tearing off a game of golf

I may make a play for the caddy

But when I do, I don't follow through

Cause my heart belongs to Daddy” (‘My Heart Belongs To Daddy/Cole Porter)


JD Vance has a long and storied history of anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs, but his former classmates at Yale University say it wasn't always this way. 

Donald Trump's official running mate for the November presidential election didn't previously hold such extreme views — in fact, he used to belong to the "Never Trump" crowd comprised of Republicans with slightly-less conservative social beliefs. This was reflected in his and his wife's support of Sofia Nelson, a former classmate who happens to be transgender. (ADVOCATE)


DRECK is a Yiddish word meaning garbage, trash, or a waste of time. JD Vance has become the newest DRECK floating to the top of the Trump cesspool. JD Vance is the OPPORTUNIST, just like his newest BFF, Trump, and JD Vance could give zero shits as to who he attacks along his way, trying to become a SHCMUCK, a Yiddish word for stupid, foolish unlikeable person.


Am I surprised at JD Vance’s hypocrisy? Nope, I mean, if Trump chose him, one of the qualities Trump desires in his Eunuchs is pure, unadulterated HYPOCRISY. SO TRUMP got himself a PUTZ, someone who is considered to be stupid; an insult given to someone deemed worthless because of their stupidity; a stupid person A vulgar slang term for a penis.