Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tomorrow Belongs To Me

 A somber Donald Trump — his right ear covered by a small white bandage — strode into the Republican National Convention on Monday evening, lightly pumping his right fist and gently waving the same hand. (The Washington Post) 

The Nazi salute or Hitler salute is a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. The salute is performed by extending the right arm in the air with a straightened hand. Hmmm…Trumps’ dramatic right-hand fist raised, perhaps not quite straightened because last year’s Fascism needs a more American touch. Wait, America, once Trump is finally given his chalice and nominated by the Christian Nationalist Christian Crusaders, Proud Boys, The South WILL Rise Again Confederates, The Old John Birch Society, and Friends and Lovers of Autocrats, the new “Hello,” will be replaced with the old Zeig Heil!”


I watch these perfectly planned Republican PR-produced actions, and I hear a song from the play ‘CABARET, “Tomorrow Belongs To Me” (Kander and Ebb)

Now Fatherland, Fatherland, show us the sign

Your children have waited to see

The morning will come

When the world is mine

Tomorrow belongs to me

Tomorrow belongs to me

Tomorrow belongs to me

Tomorrow belongs to me