Monday, July 8, 2024

Moscow Margie, again

 Marjorie Taylor Greene Botches Basic American History In Most Humiliating Way

The conspiracy theorist lawmaker was schooled on social media after getting simple details badly wrong.

“The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger,” she wrote, then listed eight names and ages (HUFFPOST)


Moscow Margie was up to her old Sarah Palin habit of “GOTCHA” when she decided to try and do two things. Moscow Margie, list 8 names she SURE AS HELL KNEW signed the Declaration of Independence  insisting that these guys were 44 or younger (most likely trying to get a dig at Biden’s age, forgetting that her Fuhrer is just 2 years younger and also not 44 or younger), and Moscow Margie wanted to pretend she was actually aware and concerned about American history.


But whenever Moscow Margie tries to play the “GOTCHA” game it ends up that this unintelligent, uneducated, buffoon ends up just giving herself a “GOTCHA!”


Too bad any one running for any office in the United States is NOT REQUIRED to take the same standardized tests REQUIRED of new citizens. That test teaches the want to be citizens about American History, and American Civics; both subjects I WOULD ASSUMESHOULD BE REQUIRED INFORMATION TO GOVERN OUR NATION.


Moscow Margie, sit in Congress, has a position of power and YET demonstrates some of the worst traits any American should NEVER HAVE!