Friday, July 12, 2024

To NOOOOO One's Surprise


--------Ammo vending machines offer "24/7" access to bullets at some U.S. grocery stores. (CBS News)

Pro-Life is cool for the Christians and their lady chattel. Control women and their nasty reproductive lady parts. But there just ain’t no reason whatso-ever to consider for one moment, how those lives are lived outside the Carriers Body (ain’t women just that, CARRIERS). Vending machines full of all the good stuff to maim a life, if not end it. But the Jesus who founded this nation of ours who wore a Revolutionary Military uniform and served with Geo Washington, demanded that above all else, aside from what’s inside the lady’s shady parts is GUNS, LOTS AND LOTS OF GUN AND TONS AND TONS OF AMUNITION TO KEEP THOSE GUNS HAPPY!


--------The IRS said Thursday that its plan to crack down on wealthy tax cheats is paying off, with the agency collecting more than $1 billion since targeting high-income earners who owe the government money. (CBS News)

Now the ultra-wealthy, the ones who back TRUMP prioritizing their profits over any survival of Democracy, love the idea that paying taxes should be ONLY for anyone who is not as wealthy as they are. Fair share, my ass these greedy gluttonous goons shout, let them eat cake, day old cake at that. These WEALTHY Republican Donors and their bought and paid GOP puppets have fought long and hard to cut the budget of the IRS. They know that less IRS workers mean more dividends for their greed. Vote for TRUMP and guess who pays the bills…it ain’t the Billionaires!


--------Nikki Haley Torches Last Shred of Dignity, Tells Her Delegates to Vote for Trump at Convention He Didn’t Invite Her To. “She’s made it clear she’s voting for him and wishes him the best.” (Vanity Fair)

Ah, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, pretending to be the woman of the people, posing as if you are like the rest of the peasants. You gave TRUMP what for, until you didn’t. Have you no, none, zero, zilch self-respect? And you told all of us you stood for decency, stood for democracy. Oh Nikki, Nikki, Nikki anyone who actually paid attention to your political career is not surprised at your hypocrisy, but we do enjoy watching you make a SHAM out of yourself!