Monday, June 24, 2024

Finding God?

 ----------Deaths are not uncommon at the Hajj, but with temperatures up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, this year's tally was significantly higher than usual.11 hours ago. More than 1,000 people died during this year's Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Sunday. (NBC News)

My oh my, heat over 120 degrees, my oh my, is it a fluke, is it just sad pitiful act of nature…OR IS IT a weird coincidence that one of the leading exporters and producers of Oil, seemingly giving no shits about their part in man-made Climate Change (because the more Oil sold, the wealthier the Royals become in Saudi Arabia,) has suffered the consequences of greed, gluttony and lack of morals. Interesting, isn’t it that this religious group came to worship their God’s work in a nation that so far has demonstrated the selfish work of man?


……….Lauren Boebert Tells Steve Bannon About The Need For Morals In Jaw-Dropping Chat. “This is something we need all throughout our nation ... because we need morals back in our nation, back in our schools,” she said in a clip surfaced by MeidasTouch Network. “If there's anything we are going to present in front of our children, it's going to be, it should be, the word of God. Boebert was infamously tossed from a staging of “Beetlejuice” after vaping, talking and groping her date during the performance. Bannon is scheduled to head to prison in a matter of days for defying a subpoena related to Jan. 6, 2021, and faces a trial on another matter ― allegedly defrauding contributors to a fund to build a southern border wall. (HUFFPOST)

Not only has BOEBERT been caught acting with less moral restraint in a theater, but she also has a prior history. Her husband has been arrested twice, and her son has been arrested. One might have wondered when and where she forgot her lessons on morality! And Stevie Bannon, a fraudster, a  guy who believes that the law only applies to Leftists, the guy who just loved a good insurrection, seems to be hemorrhaging morals and values.


AMAZING FOR ME watching folks spend time acting like Gods, rather than finding GOD!