Thursday, June 20, 2024


 ……..Narcissistic people often resort to projection to protect their self-image. Complaining about how someone else is so “showy” or “always needs attention” is one example of how a narcissist might project. They may also blame others for things that have gone wrong, rather than taking responsibility themselves.

Projecting your insecurities is a coping mechanism that co-opts someone else's psyche to use as an emotional dumping ground. And so, projection is a form of unsolicited communication. (Psychology Today)


“Look Over There, and if you don’t see it, you hate me.” Donald Trump never spoke that quote, but Donald Trump presents himself in that manner, as I see it.

Be it Trump calling the Biden’s a Crime Family. Be it Trump mimicking an old, frail Joe Biden. Be it Trump continuously talking about Biden’s cognitive decline?. Be it Trump calling Biden weak on crime. Be it Trump pretending that Biden has weaponized the Justice System? Whatever lies, fabrications, and delusions Trump asserts against President Joe Biden, most all, stem from his own uncontrolled NARCISSISM, socioeconomic mental illness, and WELL-DEFINED INSECURITIES. 


……..Someone who takes advantage of others or things are called an exploiter, they take people or things for advantage for their own gain, being an exploiter is selfish and unethical. Opportunists are people who see a chance to gain some advantage from a situation, often at the expense of ethics or morals. An opportunist seizes every opportunity to improve things for himself. Say you won millions in the lottery. People would come out of the woodwork, hoping to get their hands on some of it. (Merriman Dictionary)


“Let's help him, sell his snake oil, and join in the chorus of Look Over There, hoping that our voters are too confused to look anywhere else.” From the supposed august body in the Senate, to the folks who have apparently never studied US History or American Civics House of Representatives, to the bribed and owned -o called Supreme Court Justices all Republicans, “We The People,” have witnessed a tsunami of EXPLOITERS and OPPORTUNISTS not only run amuck but try their best to run Democracy out of this nation. These folks are a perfect meal for a NARCISIST to devour.


……..TOTALITARIANISM- In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. As I see it there is no middle road in our American politics, and as I see it in this upcoming election one either is for DEMOCRACY, or one becomes a self-serving victim of TOTALITARIANISM!