Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Collector

 Romney thinks Trump is horrible. Here, he has been held accountable for one aspect of his horrifyingness. Three cheers from Romney! Instead of celebrating, Romney’s been wandering onto cable news sets and blustering about how the real problem here is not Trump’s criminality but Biden refusing to tamper in the justice system to let the great orange asshole off the hook. (MSN) Mittens is still a slick , savvy snake oil salesman who loves to pretend that he can be a hypocrite, and no one will actually notice it. He is so fearful of being found out that he pretended he decided not to run for his Senate seat because he had enough of Republican Kowtowing…actually ,I believe he was afraid to take a stand against Trump and lose!

And then Heidi Cruz’s hubby and Raphael Cruz Senior’s son, Teddy, has summoned ZERO backbone or will and has embraced the Authoritarian Ring of Trump, pretending that history is fiction, and has cuddled up to the man who criticized his family, talking about Family values. Don’t forget “Little Marco,” made fodder by TRUMP, insinuating that “Little Marco” is nothing but a sniveling petulant child. Ms. Lindsey must be very worried about almost anything pertaining to her backstory. Add to that Trump's Negro, Ms. Scott, who worried so much about his backstory that he suddenly, wham bam, thank you, ma’am, found himself a sweet little lady and got engaged ( has anyone seen recent photos of Ms. Scott and his fiancé). Then you have JD Vance, the guy who wrote the book ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ claiming then that self-pride and self-respect are what makes a man a man (of course, except if you are a man of NO morals or values, who values your own political advancement above and beyond anyone else who is not you. Throw in Mitch, the Crypt Keeper McConnell, another hubby who has no intention of standing up for his spouse, who has somehow ignored the intentional slurs regarding Elaine Chao, his wife, and her Chinese Family. One more male Senator who actually had the audacity to write a book titled ‘Manhood, the Americans Virtues America Needs’, as in follow me because I AM MAN! Joshie ran like the “dickens” when the Trump Insurrectionists attacked the Capital; perhaps he even squealed; now, seems to forget his own actions of fear and loathing because, well, because all he desires is to pretend HE-MAN.


We have tbeen old that the US SENATE is an august body, the Upper Chamber, if you will, the folks who have sense and sensibility. I call BULL SHIT, as the actions of the Senators I have mentioned, plus at least 98% of them,only demonstrate that all of them are standing in line for TRUMP to collect their Testicles.